Enhance offshore crew transfer performance and safety utilising a sophisticated vessel specific forecast for accessibility across a wind farm array.
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The WAVES solution integrates powerful A.I. technology with your operational data to consistently improve transfer planning and decision making.
Technician Safety
Reduce uncertainty around safe metocean conditions and minimise failed transfers
Improved Planning
Hourly, turbine specific Go/No-Go forecasting enables maximum use of weather windows
Consistent Decision Making
Transparent decision making  generates consistency and confidence in mobilisation decisions
Improved Accessibility
Maximise the utilisation of resources deploying vessels and maintenance teams with high confidence of success.
Customer Spotlight
“Making safe crew transfers is vital to our operational business. The WAVES solution integrates powerful A.I. technology with our own operational data and has been shown to provide an improved transfer decision metric compared to the industry’s standard.

We believe that WAVES will enable us to better predict acceptable transfer windows, improving the safety of our technicians, and enabling us to optimise our O&M activities.”
James Vause
Production Manager, Rampion Offshore Wind Farm
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