Accurate accessibility forecasting avoids multi-turbine downtime


The Challenge

Marine co-ordination of crew transfer vessels utilises a highly variable dataset of weather and human behaviour.

Achieving a consistent optimisation of transfers whilst maintaining crew safety is a day-to-day challenge.

The Solution

The Wind AI WAVES™ app combines your crew transfer history with metocean data to deliver accurate and consistent forecasting.

The intuitive user interface provides clear Go/ No Go forecast on an hour-by-hour basis across all assets.

Customer Case Study

Our client faced what appeared to be the first of several ‘Weather’ days at their offshore wind site, with two wind turbines known to be offline and unable to remotely restart.  

Their Marine Co-Ordination Team had reviewed the latest weather forecast, but also reviewed their WAVES Crew Transfer Forecast.  WAVES uses far more data than significant wave height, enabling an hour by hour, turbine by turbine Go/No GO forecast.

WAVES offered a two hour access window at midday, which enabled one CTV and teams to restart both faulted turbines, and also identify a third faulted turbine which they also restarted. 

This single case enabled three turbines to generate across the following 5 days of ‘Weather’ days, totalling >500% ROI.


  • Maintain safety
  • Enhance accessibility
  • Improve resourcing
  • Optimise operations