Bathymetry Restriction Forecast

Transform detailed bathymetry survey data into a dynamic site wide tidal restrictions interface.

Improve resource planning by combining detailed forecasts and offshore crew safety via portable devices in real time.
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Increase the value of your bathymetry survey datasets by integrating with your tidal forecast data, providing both onshore and offshore users with a clear Go/ No Go forecast of restrictions across the entire survey area.
Offshore Accessibility
Increase offshore access via highly accurate forecasting of tidal working windows.
Vessel Safety
Maintain in-field vessel safety with unlimited mobile access
Optimised Scheduling
Faster, accurate and transparent decision making when scheduling wind farm maintenance.
Customer Spotlight
“Cognitive’s technology packages enable us to continually ensure our site is performing at the highest possible level, maximising its profitability and securing efficiencies.  The integration of the bathymetric tidal application will enable us to continue achieving this”
Gregg McConnell
Operations Co-ordinator
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